N.B: If you click on one of the images, it will pop up in a larger zoomed in display for you.

Once the Brickfield Alternate Format deployment is completed by a user with administrative privileges, it will then automatically be available on your Moodle courses’ main pages.  

Requesting file conversions

Requesting file conversions is controlled by capabilities and works by displaying a Request conversion icon beside the following:

  • File resources
  • Folder resources
  • Book resources
  • Page resources

N.B. files above 1GB in size are not accepted by our file conversion partner, SensusAccess, therefore will have their conversion icon hidden and disabled.

N.B. Books can be converted to HTML.

The file conversion icon beside a file resource

When users click on the Request conversion icon, a popup "Accessibility File Conversion" screen appears, where they can select the different conversion types available for converting the file.

Accessibility File Conversion popup

Once the user’s file conversion request is submitted, it will take some time before they can retrieve the file conversion. They will receive a new notification alert confirming the status of their file conversion. However, if the conversion has already been requested,  processed and completed on the site, the file will be automatically downloaded as soon as the request is made.

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